Dress-up your yard or outdoor living area to enjoy year-round

It takes special care to cultivate a garden or landscape that can withstand heat, occasional freezes, drought or monsoon conditions, and pesky critters such as armadillos. With a plan, and the help of trained and seasoned experts, you can dress up your yard or outdoor living area to enjoy year-round.

Porches, Pools, Pits and Patios

The Great Outdoors in Texas is not for the faint of heart. Three specialists in design, innovation and planning and installation offer their insight on how to expand your living space with just the right elements.

Smart Cottages Are Coming to Round Top

“Smart Cottages are the tiny house idea that grew into something more comfortable,” says Dwayne Teeter, president and COO of American Homestar, and the Smart Cottage creator.  “We wanted to become the answer to a problem – the need for a more practical, classy, small house. We wanted to make a bigger, more comfortable and higher-quality home. Energy-efficient, tech-savvy lodging. This idea became the Smart Cottage.”

Round Top Celebrating Milestones in 2020

In 2020, Round Top, a hub of history and art, is celebrating several milestones including the 150th anniversary of the town’s incorporation and the golden anniversaries of Festival Institute and Shakespeare at Winedale.

2025 Winter Show | January 23 – 26
2025 Spring Antiques Show | March 20 – April 6
2025 Fall Antiques Show | October 9 – 26