As the Round Top Antiques Show Guide has evolved, so has its cover. For the first time, last fall, the cover was a commissioned piece of art. An all-call for submissions by artists resulted in the selection of Wayne Kerr as the artist for the Spring 2019 Round Top Antiques Show Guide cover. Artists wishing to be considered for the Fall 2019 issue should send an email to [email protected].
About the cover artist
Roger “Wayne” Kerr is a musician and artist, and Round Top dealer. His cover art captures the nostalgia found in the halls and fields during the Round Top Antique Show. Who doesn’t love an old truck?
Just the Facts
Born and reared in Houston (The Heights)
Degree in visual arts from Texas Lutheran University
Spent 20 years as a travelling singer/songwriter with 10 albums and counting. Today serves Grace Fellowship Church in Katy, Texas as worship leader (half-time) with the other half playing music and creating art.
Find Wayne Kerr inside Henkel Hall during the Round Top Antiques Show
Q&A with Wayne Kerr
When I was six, I wanted to be: An artist!!!!
Favorite quote: “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people that are fully alive.” -Howard Thurman.
What would I tell a 16-year-old Wayne Kerr: Don’t stress over things right now… God has a great, GREAT plan… Keep moving forward and trust in Him. P.S-. one day you’re gonna be a dad of 2 little girls, so start praying now!!!!!!
Why Round Top? Wow- I love this place. My family has roots in Fayette County back to my great grandparents and aunts and uncles. There is something about the area that is truly “TEXAS” to me. The people are always my favorite aspect of being a part of this show twice a year. It’s like re-connecting with family every time!
What was your inspiration for the painting?
I wasn’t sure really where to begin honestly, as the Round Top Antique Weeks experience means so many different things to so many different people. There are some folks who come who are interior designers… some who are excited about junking… some who are maybe like me, excited for the mere fact that you never know what you will see around the next corner! I tried to capture a little bit of that wonder and nostalgia in the painting. Not knowing what little treasure you might find next, seeing the tents in the background and a few patches of bluebonnets as well. I think in a world that is moving more and more toward online purchases and convenience, people are hungry for opportunities to get out and be amongst people in community, and enjoy the experience. I hope this painting captures a little bit of this.
Painting inspiration? Michael Atkinson, Mark Maggiori
What is the biggest compliment you have ever received? One time one of the radio DJs at Houston’s KSBJ said “Wayne is one of Houston’s best kept secrets.” That was sweet and meant a lot.
What I’m reading now: The Bible, The Artists Journey and Fearhunters
I’m in awe of: God
Last picture you took with your phone: Our family all together at Cirque De Soliel
Star Wars or Star Trek? STAR WARS!!!!! (the original 3)
Favorite author: Seth Godin
How do you start a conversation? It should always start with the way Seinfeld did that one episode with the really weird and awkward… “Hellllllloooooooooooo.”